On July 10, 2009 Governor Quinn signed a new law into effect called Senate Bill 1918 or "PIPP" where low income people will pay a percentage of their income for gas & electric. This will save lots of people lots of money (see http://www.illinois.gov/PressReleases/PressReleasesListShow.cfm?RecNum=7675 This program still has not been implemented. In fact no one knows if and when it will be. Yet it is law! I don't know ...
The day after Labor Day that’s when the school year began for us. There’s an age, I’m not sure exactly when, we hate school and then again there’s a time when we actually looked forward to going back to school with excitement. Maybe the “hate” was just fear in reality… a new teacher, new students, new expectations. While going to school the first day the boys would go past the girl’s door where the girls all would line ...
Back in the Day of Feather Tics, The Lone Ranger, Chores and “The Saturday Night Fights” I awoke with sleep in my eyes. The sun was coming through the skylight [1] which was covered with white snow. My brother, Daryl, was still asleep in our bed. It wasn’t ‘til next week that we would each have our own bed and room. I pushed away the warm pink feather tic and headed to the bathroom. I...
September is coming so it’s “back to school time.” It’s time to go shopping to buy new clothes, new shoes and school supplies. As a growing young boy and with brothers; this was not a solo trip because we had to get measured from head to toe for clothes and shoes! A tradition, I suppose in many a family, however there were issues. So be sure to put on clean underwear and socks and come with me. ...